Population Growth-bring On The Debate
23rd October 2009 -
Views: 1211
With both the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition declaring their support for even more population growth, despite the threat this poses to our environment and quality of life, its time for national debate on the issues, said Queensland Conservation (QCC).
Government Committed To Mandatory Detention On Christmas Island 1
23rd October 2009 -
Views: 1148
The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, today welcomed the Australian Human Rights Commission report: Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island.
Would You Pass The New Citizenship Test?
19th October 2009 -
Views: 1163
The new 20 multiple-choice questions test is not easier than the old one but it is fairer; mandatory questions have been removed giving equal weight to every question in the test.
New Citizenship Test Begins
18th October 2009 -
Views: 1227
The new Australian citizenship test which assesses prospective new citizens on their understanding of Australian civics and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship commences today (Monday 19 October).
See The Citizenship Test Begin Tomorrow
18th October 2009 -
Views: 1205
More than 400 people will sit the new citizenship test at Department of Immigration and Citizenship offices in every state and territory tomorrow.