Population Growth-bring On The Debate

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23rd October 2009, 07:31pm - Views: 1212

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

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For Immediate Release                                                     23 October 2009

Population Growth-Bring on the debate!

With both the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition declaring their support for

even more population growth, despite the threat this poses to our environment and

quality of life, its time for national debate on the issues, said Queensland

Conservation (QCC)

‘The PM has publicly supported the idea of a

big Australia

, when most State

Government’s are struggling to provide essential infrastructure for current population

levels,’ said Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of Queensland Conservation 

In early October QCC wrote to the PM urging him to include population policy in the

next round of Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meetings, we have still to

receive a reply.

‘Given the impacts on our dwindling natural resources, our infrastructure and our

quality of life, its time for the PM to act responsibly, and bring on national debate on

the issues,’ said Hutcheon 

‘He can start by immediately adding this to the next COAG meeting agenda.”

For more Information:  Toby Hutcheon 3221 0188/0419 664 503

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