Panel Of Experts To Advise On Changes To 457 Visa Program
8th July 2008 -
Views: 1302
The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, today announced the establishment of a Skilled Migration Consultative Panel to provide advice to the Government on proposals aimed at improving Australia's temporary skilled (457 visa) migration program.
Embargoed Until 12.01am Sat 21 June:ministerial Intervention Is 'playing God With Sanctuary': New Re
20th June 2008 -
Views: 1128
Under the current system, a person who faces danger if they return to their place of origin might slip through the gaps and only get asylum by applying for refugee status, knowing they will be rejected, apply for a second time once they are rejected and then seek ministerial intervention – which may not be granted.
Ministerial Intervention Is 'playing God With Sanctuary': New Report
20th June 2008 -
Views: 1120
Under the current system, a person who faces danger if they return to their place of origin might slip through the gaps and only get asylum by applying for refugee status, knowing they will be rejected, apply for a second time once they are rejected and then seek ministerial intervention – which may not be granted.
Good Practice Guide To Empower New Refugees Settling In Australia
20th June 2008 -
Views: 1221
A collection of successful settlement projects will boost community interest in similar initiatives and assist Australia's humanitarian arrivals in adjusting to their new home, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services Laurie Ferguson said while launching a good practice guide on World Refugee Day today.
Independent Committee To Review Citizenship Test
28th April 2008 -
Views: 1149
An independent committee of seven eminent Australians will review the citizenship test, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, announced today.