New Immigration Booklet For Workers Launched In Sydney
8th October 2010 -
Views: 1194
The booklet, produced by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), is unique in that it is the first time the department has produced a publication specifically for workers.
Be Wary Of Migration Scams
6th October 2010 -
Views: 1899
“It is vital that people are aware of fraudsters’ tricks before handing over money for immigration assistance which is never provided,” Mr Bowen said.
Thousands Of Skilled Brits Get Ready To Move Down Under
6th October 2010 -
Views: 1144
Every year, thousands of skilled Brits choose to leave the UK in search of a better lifestyle. This year will be no different,
as predicted by the number of pre-sale tickets to the Opportunities expos to be held in London and Manchester this
Precarious, Low Paid, Insecure Work Impacts On Health Of Migrant & Refugee Women
6th October 2010 -
Views: 1127
Director of MCWH Dr Adele Murdolo, said that immigrant and refugee women workers were more vulnerable in the low-skilled and semi-skilled work, and contract positions that limit their decision- making power and all too often impact negatively on their health.
The Population Debate We Never Had
6th October 2010 -
Views: 1185
Following months of partisan gamesmanship over an apolitical Intergenerational Report and cynical election campaigning against a "big Australia" and over rival refugee processing centres, Australia is no closer to consensus on the very legitimate question of future migration levels.