New Immigration Booklet For Workers Launched In Sydney

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8th October 2010, 03:01am - Views: 1207

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Embargoed until 12.01am on 8 October 2010

New immigration booklet for workers launched in Sydney

A new information booklet launched this week in Sydney will assist workers from

overseas to know about their rights and help reduce the incidence of exploitation.

The booklet, produced by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), is

unique in that it is the first time the department has produced a publication specifically

for workers.

Entitled Your rights and obligations immigration facts for workers, the booklet covers

basic protections and entitlements, work rights, visa choices, employer obligations and

using a migration agent.  

The department is presenting the booklet to union organisers today in western Sydney

and to a range of other organisations in the coming weeks.    

A departmental spokesman said the booklet was targeted at educating both overseas

and Australian workers as well as employers and addressed some common

misconceptions on work sites.

“One misconception is foreign workers take Australian jobs because they are paid

less,” the spokesman said.  “The booklet explains that sponsoring employers must not

give foreign workers less pay or provide poorer conditions than Australians doing the

same work at the same workplace.    

“In developing the content for this booklet, the department has sought input from

unions.  It will be distributed along with an associated promotional poster to work sites

and relevant agencies around Australia.”    

Your rights and obligations includes contact details for the department, Unions

Australia, Fair Work Australia, the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority

(Office of the MARA) and the Translating and Interpreting Service.


A one-stop easy reference guide, it has been written in plain English and translated

into six other languages based on the main nationalities of vulnerable or illegal

workers in Australia. 

The spokesman said the department would continue its dual strategy of targeted

compliance operations to identify illegal workers and their employers, as well as

educating employers and workers about rights and responsibilities for sponsored

foreign workers in Australia. 

Media Enquiries: National Communications Branch 02 8862 6261

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