Liberals Bereft Of Immigration Policy 13th October 2009 - Views: 1150 I also note Philip Ruddock has called for the reintroduction of the disgraced Pacific Solution and temporary protection visas (TPVs).
The Governor-general's Indigenous Student Teacher Scholarships 13th October 2009 - Views: 1339 The Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC, said today that she was delighted that the Government’s creation of the Governor-General’s Indigenous Student Teacher Scholarships reflected her commitment to the education of young indigenous Australians.
Migration Program Still Uncertain 9th February 2010 - Views: 1115 The Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) congratulates the Minister on a long-overdue overhaul of the migration system, but says yet-to-be-announced policy will have major implications for current and prospective visa applicants.
Malu Sara Tragedy: Diac Acts On Comcare's Findings 17th December 2009 - Views: 1122 “At the core of the department’s actions following the tragedy has been our concern for the immediate and extended families, friends and colleagues of those who were lost.
Diac Refutes Hoax Email On Asylum Seeker Policy 14th October 2009 - Views: 1149 “Only those who engage Australia’s international obligations receive refugee status; indeed, the government has already returned people who were not refugees.