New Citizenship Test Begins

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18th October 2009, 05:12pm - Views: 1228

New Citizenship Test Begins

The new Australian citizenship test which assesses prospective new citizens on their understanding of Australian civics and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship commences today (Monday 19 October).

The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, said the new test is based on the pledge of commitment that new Australians make when becoming citizens.

Topics include Australia's democratic beliefs, laws and government as well as the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.

The 20 multiple-choice questions in the new test have been written in plain English and will be conducted in English only. All test questions have been drawn from the testable section of the revised citizenship test resource book, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond, which was launched in September.

"The new test is not a general knowledge quiz about Australia," Senator Evans said.

"We want people applying for citizenship to understand the values of Australian society, our democratic beliefs, our rights and our system of law and what it means to be an Australian citizen.

"All prospective citizens should understand those concepts so all of the questions in the new citizenship test focus on the commitments that new citizens make in the pledge."

The new test was developed after an independent review of the old citizenship test last year found that it could be improved by focusing on the pledge of commitment.

People will now need to answer 75 per cent per cent or 15 of the 20 questions correctly to pass up from 60 per cent under the old test. However, the mandatory questions have been removed to make the test fairer. All questions are now equally important and a person can no longer answer 19 out of 20 questions correctly and still fail the test because they answered one of the three mandatory questions incorrectly.

A citizenship course is also under development to help a small group of disadvantaged people, who for a range of reasons, such as limited literacy and schooling, are likely to struggle when preparing for and sitting a formal computer-based test.

"This will ensure that we encourage people to become citizens without the test being a barrier," Senator Evans said.

The citizenship test resource book, Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond, and practice citizenship test are available online at:

Media Contact:
Simon Dowding
(02) 6277 7860
0411 138 541

SOURCE: The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
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