$140,000 To Improve Community Support For Qld Veterans 25th September 2008 - Views: 896 Mr Griffin said the total grant allocation of $140,051 would benefit more than 11,500 Queensland veterans, and demonstrates the Rudd Government’s commitment to supporting organisations dedicated to caring for veterans and their dependants.
Us Secretary Peake To Visit Australia - Will Lead Rehabilitation Forum 19th September 2008 - Views: 1043 “I am pleased that Secretary Peake has accepted my invitation to speak at this National Colloquium. While the US military experience in Iraq and Afghanistan is different to that of Australian service personnel, we can learn from their rehabilitation experience,” Mr Griffin said.
65th Anniversary Of The Bombing Of Onslow Commemorated With Dedication Of New War Memorial 13th September 2008 - Views: 1039 Onslow was the southern-most town in Australia bombed by enemy aircraft.
Australian Peacekeepers Commemorated In Sa 13th September 2008 - Views: 960 Mr Griffin said Australia has made and continues to make a significant contribution to peace operations across the globe and the plaques pay tribute to the efforts of all those involved.
Support For Adf Members Goes National 10th September 2008 - Views: 932 “Life in the services is unique. It is important that when our service people move to civilian life that they, and their partners, are equipped with the support and skills to make that transition as simple as possible. Stepping Out has been shown to do that,” he said.