Governments Press Releases & Articles 576 - 580 of 696

Act Veterans' Views Sought By Minister starstarstarstarstar   8th July 2008 - Views: 1027 Act Veterans' Views Sought By Minister Minister Griffin said meetings to be held nation-wide would discuss the structure and role of the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service Matters—a key election commitment. Canberra will be one of eight meetings around the country.

3 September Each Year To Be Known As Merchant Navy Day starstarstarstarstar   4th July 2008 - Views: 1111 3 September Each Year To Be Known As Merchant Navy Day The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, today announced that the merchant seamen who served Australia in wartime would be officially commemorated with the proclamation of Merchant Navy Day. The Minister made the announcement during a visit to Port Adelaide, where he met with a group of Merchant Navy veterans, Deputy Premier Kevin Foley and local MP Mark Butler.

Five South Australian Students Awarded Long Tan Bursaries starstarstarstarstar   4th July 2008 - Views: 1258 Five South Australian Students Awarded Long Tan Bursaries Mr Griffin said the Government recognised the challenges children face due to their parents’ Vietnam War service.

Veterans' Affairs Minister To Deliver Rimau Day & Reserve Forces Day Commemorative Address starstarstarstarstar   4th July 2008 - Views: 1007 Veterans' Affairs Minister To Deliver Rimau Day & Reserve Forces Day Commemorative Address During World War II, 23 members of the Z Special Unit lost their lives in Operation Rimau, an attempt to take a small group behind enemy lines to attack Japanese ships.

Merchant Navy Announcement starstarstarstarstar   4th July 2008 - Views: 1113 Merchant Navy Announcement Merchant Navy veterans, South Australian Deputy Premier Kevin Foley, and the local member for Port Adelaide, Mark Butler, will be in attendance.

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