Minister To Present Naval Association With $94,000
28th July 2008 -
Views: 1006
The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, will present a cheque for more than $94,000 to the Naval Association of Australia at its Triennial Conference in Hobart today. The association is one of 480 ex service organisations that received $6.66 million as part of the boost to the Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) program.
Sixteen Nsw And Act Students Win Long Tan Bursaries
25th July 2008 -
Views: 1024
Mr Griffin said the Government recognised the challenges children face due to their parents’ Vietnam War service.
Letter From Minister For Veterans' Affairs, Alan Griffin
25th July 2008 -
Views: 995
As part of that commitment I am meeting with veterans to discuss the structure and role of the new Prime
Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-service Matters.
Minister To Visit Grafton For The 55th Anniversary Of The Cease Fire Of The "forgotten War"'
25th July 2008 -
Views: 994
A march from Clock Square to Memorial Park will commence at approximately 1:15 pm, followed by a wreath laying ceremony from 2pm.
Extra $146,000 Support For Tasmania's Veterans
25th July 2008 -
Views: 1026
Mr Griffin said the Government had continued to show its strong commitment to the valuable work of ex-service organisations (ESOs), particularly advocates, pension and welfare officers who do a great job in helping Australia’s veterans, war widows, widowers, dependants and current serving members access their entitlements.