Icac Survey Shows Local Govt More Vulnerable To Corruption Than State Agencies
11th May 2010 -
Views: 1321
The most recent Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) research into the NSW public sector indicates that local councils face a wider range of corruption risks than state agencies, but appear less likely to use the management controls important to sound corporate governance, making them more vulnerable to corruption.
Two Men Arrested In Connection With The Shen Neng 1
14th April 2010 -
Views: 1462
Two men have been arrested by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in connection with a bulk carrier, namely the Shen Neng 1, that ran aground on Douglas Shoal, part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park on 3 April 2010.
Vietnam-australia Joint Transnational Crime Centre Opened
31st March 2010 -
Views: 1505
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Tony Negus yesterday opened the Vietnam-Australia Joint Transnational Crime Centre (VNJTCC) in Ho Chi Minh City.
Welcome Uae As A Member Of The Vgt
31st March 2010 -
Views: 1533
The chair of the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), Australian Federal Police
(AFP) Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan, would like to welcome the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) as a member of the VGT.
Couple Charged With Importing Cocaine Internally
24th March 2010 -
Views: 1337
A 51-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman will face the Brisbane
Magistrates Court today charged with importing a substance believed to be