Vietnam-australia Joint Transnational Crime Centre Opened

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31st March 2010, 01:03pm - Views: 1506
31 March 2010

Media Release

Vietnam-Australia Joint Transnational Crime
Centre opened
Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Tony Negus yesterday opened
the Vietnam-Australia Joint Transnational Crime Centre (VNJTCC) in Ho Chi
Minh City.
The VNJTCC is the first of its kind in Vietnam and will enable information and
intelligence-sharing concerning transnational crime in key areas of illicit drugs,
money laundering and human trafficking between Australia and Vietnam.
"The establishment of the Centre cements the close relationship between the
AFP and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security," Commissioner Negus said.
"The illegal movement of narcotics between our countries remains a significant
problem and the establishment of the Centre further strengthens our
international policing efforts."
The AFP International Network already has one liaison officer in Hanoi and one
in Ho Chi Minh City, where the focus of work is narcotic-related.
The VNJTCC, to which one additional AFP advisor will be assigned, will increase
the AFP's capacity within the region, enabling increased criminal intelligence-
sharing between the AFP and the Ministry of Public Security.
The VNJTCC bolsters existing cooperative programs with Vietnam, including the
High Tech Crime Centre established in Ho Chi Minh City in August 2007, regular
cross-agency workshops on drug smuggling and the Asian Region Law
Enforcement Management Program.
Similar Joint Transnational Crime Centres have also been established in
Cambodia and Colombia.
The VNJTCC is located within the Vietnamese General Department of Police
premises in Ho Chi Minh City.

Media enquiries
AFP National Media Team
Phone: (02) 6275 7100

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