$1.25 Million Seized And Two Men Charged
27th October 2009 -
Views: 1353
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has charged two men and seized more than $1.25 million following a four-month money laundering investigation.
Australian Crime Commission To Receive Green Ict Certification
26th October 2009 -
Views: 1505
On Thursday 29 October, the Minister for Finance and Deregulation Mr Lindsay Tanner and the Minister for Home Affairs, Mr Brendan O'Connor, will be presenting the Australian Crime Commission with Green ICT Certifications from Computers Off Australia.
Man Arrested After Extradition From Cambodia
23rd October 2009 -
Views: 1532
A 53-year-old Daintree man has been arrested by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) at Brisbane Airport, following his extradition from Cambodia.
Police-reform Activist Battles To Prove Claim
19th October 2009 -
Views: 1993
Police reform activist Dirk Nierop, of Allambie in Sydney, has been battling in court for years to prove he has been a victim of corruption or misconduct within the police force of New South Wales.
Seven Men Charged Over People Smuggling
19th October 2009 -
Views: 1356
Today the AFP will allege in court that the three Indonesian men crewed two separate vessels as part of an attempt to smuggle 146 passengers into Australia.