Parliament Ignores Its Own Advice For Another Year - Anti-poverty Week
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1251
Eight years ago today, on 21st October 2002, the Australian Senate established the most extensive inquiry into poverty in more than 30 years.
Carers Nsw Congratulates Nsw Carers On Their Local Carer Awards
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1370
Over 100 carers, carer support groups and organisations that support carers across New
South Wales have been awarded a Local Carer Award to be presented by their local Member
of Parliament during 2010 Carers Week.
Media Alert: Carers To Choose Their Respite Services
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1234
Minister for Mental Health and Ageing Mark Butler, and Federal Labor Member for
Bruce the Hon Alan Griffin MP, will hand over the first contract under the Consumer
Directed Respite Care initiative in Melbourne tomorrow.
Irrigation Australia Meeting With Minister Burke On Murray Darling Basin Plan
20th October 2010 -
Views: 1215
Irrigation Australia Meeting with Minister Burke on the Murray Darling Basin Plan Irrigation Australia Limited (IAL) welcomed last night’s meeting between Minister Burke and irrigator groups at Parliament House.
Concern For Under 16 Year Olds In The Homelessness System.
20th October 2010 -
Views: 1129
The Youth Homelessness Peak of NSW, the Youth Accommodation Association (YAA), commends the NSW Ombudsman for highlighting the concerns around the provision of appropriate support from Community Services when children under 16 years of age or under the care of the Minister are accommodated in youth specialist homelessness services.