Expert Comment On Facebook Intervention Order
20th October 2010
Victoria Police have revealed they used Facebook to serve an intervention order
on a man who threatened and harassed a former partner on the site.
Regional Queensland Drivers Are Undermining Police Speeding Traps
11th October 2010
It appears a driver’s mentality is to slow down around fixed speed cameras and ‘be on alert’ for covert cameras.
Expert Comment On Tasers
5th October 2010
The incidents come a day after Western Australia’s Corruption and Crime Commission report showed the weapons were increasingly being used for compliance, despite being initially introduced to prevent injury and reduce the use of firearms.
Police Call For Increased Police Numbers In Yamba
15th February 2010
Saturday’s incident in Yamba, which saw police pelted with bricks and bottles and
a police car burnt out, highlights the need for extra police in the region, the Police
Association of NSW said today.
Nsw Must Follow National Lead And Crack Down On Mr Bigs: Police
5th February 2010
NSW must follow the lead of the Federal Government and crack down on the
unexplained millions being hoarded by underworld crime bosses, the Police
Association of NSW said today.
Police Welcome New Police Evasion Legislation
2nd February 2010
New police evasion legislation announced in NSW today will save the lives of
innocent people, the Police Association of NSW said today.