Police Welcome New Police Evasion Legislation

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2nd February 2010, 05:07pm - Views: 2782



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Tuesday 2 February, 2010

Police welcome new police evasion legislation

New police evasion legislation announced in NSW today will save the lives of

innocent people, the Police Association of NSW said today. 

The new legislation approved by Cabinet today will see criminal who lead police

on high-speed chases face jail sentences of up to five years. 

“It’s good to see the new Premier is listening and taking positive action to protect

our streets,” Mr Weber said. 

“We would have preferred to see mandatory sentencing included, but at least this

is a step in the right direction. 

“The onus will still remain on the judicial system to enforce appropriate sentences

for those risking lives in high speed chases. Let’s hope we can start to see more

consistency in the system. 

“Anything that deters crims from putting the lives of the public and police at risk

by using speed to evade police is welcomed, but I think the government still needs

to take this a step further and introduce mandatory sentencing. 

“We’ve got to put a stop to the people instigating these dangerous pursuits

through our streets. 

“Real-life is not like the movies.  Car chases aren’t fun, and they don’t end with

laughter and high-fives.  Unfortunately as we’ve seen recently, they usually end in

tears and tragedy

“High-speed pursuits put lives at risk - the lives of police trying to catch them, and

the lives of everyone else on or near the road at that time.  

“Stronger laws are definitely a positive step – even if they prevent just one life from

being lost.”

Media contact: 

Scott Weber, 0401 709 342

Alana Mew, 0423 377 567 


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