Make Sure Your Vote Counts 1st December 2009 - Views: 1157 With a record number of 22 candidates in the Bradfield by-election, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) is reminding electors of the importance of taking time to carefully number every box on the ballot paper they receive on election day.
Access To 1979 Cabinet Records Postponed 30th November 2009 - Views: 1127 The 1979 Cabinet records briefing has been postponed until Tuesday 8 December. The National Archives has made the change to avoid a clash with the Liberal party room meeting.
Postal Voters Urged To Return Votes 30th November 2009 - Views: 1123 “Early voting centres are now open and will operate until Friday, 4 December 2009 .
Liberal Turmoil - Bradfield By-election 28th November 2009 - Views: 1168 Peter Fletcher was asked a barrage of question on the Emissions Trading Scheme at a Forum run by Chatswood West Progress Association 10 days ago.
Liberals' Climate Of Crisis: Experts Available For Comment 27th November 2009 - Views: 1186 Dr Scott, author of Politics, Parties and Issues in Australia: An Introduction (Pearson Education Australia, Sydney, 2009), believes the current crisis reflects the philosophical division between conservatives and social liberals in the Liberal Party.