Political Press Releases & Articles 36 - 40 of 80

Nsw Parliament Hosts National Week Of Deaf People starstarstarstarstar   21st October 2009 - Views: 1162 The lively and animated debate that State Parliament is renowned for is extending beyond the bear pit as NSW Parliament hosts the Deaf Community's celebration of National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) this week.

Augmented Electoral Commission Decides Boundaries And Names For Qld starstarstarstarstar   16th October 2009 - Views: 1378 The augmented Electoral Commission for Queensland today announced the outcome of its deliberations on the boundaries and names for the 30 federal electoral divisions in Queensland, in accordance with a requirement of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

Big Joe New $1.85 Favourite To Lead Coalition Into Next Fed Election! starstarstarstarstar   8th October 2009 - Views: 1215 Big Joe New $1.85 Favourite To Lead Coalition Into Next Fed Election! “Our belief has always been that considering the swing the Coalition requires, Mr Hockey was the one man in conservative politics who could drag votes from the other side.

Is Democracy Dying? starstarstarstarstar   19th August 2009 - Views: 1469 Is Democracy Dying? The use of clever spin tactics, back-channel public relations, Berlusconi-style mass media populism, flat earth news, cyber-attacks, online gate keeping, publicity bombs and organised silence by unaccountable sources of power are just some of the signs of “rigor mortis in the democratic body politic”, Keane observes.

The Authentic Abbott starstarstarstarstar   3rd February 2010 - Views: 1228 The Authentic Abbott The latest Newspoll shows that under Tony Abbott’s leadership, the coalition is starting to claw its way back into the hearts of voters.

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