Cleaners Demonstrate Outside Myers Stores Across Australia
11th November 2008 -
Views: 1357
The LHMU – The cleaners’ union has removed Menzies from the Clean Start Responsible Contracting list because of their refusal to negotiate on the Clean Start Collective Agreement.
2008 Golden Toilet Brush Award Winner Announced - Official Ceremony 10 Am
15th June 2008 -
Views: 1314
The ACT Government is the winner of the 2008 Golden Toilet Brush Award, the LHMU the cleaners’ union today announced today. ACT cleaners and their supporters will hold an official Golden Toilet Brush Award Ceremony outside the ACT Legislative Assembly today.
Great Sex Debate - Family First V Sex Party
30th July 2010 -
Views: 1518
This Monday 2nd August Queensland Family First senate candidate Wendy Francis will go head to head in a live television debate with Fiona Patten, national spokesperson of the Australian Sex Party. The debate was organised by Channel 7’s Sunrise program after Patten accused Family First of attempting to do a preference deal with them.
Graham Richardson To Launch Paul Howes Book - Today Mon 8 Nov At 10:30am Sydney
8th November 2010 -
Views: 4323
The Hon Graham Richardson will launch Confessions of a Faceless Man, the election campaign diary by AWU boss, Paul Howes. Most appropriately, the event will be held at The Golden Century Restaurant, 393-399 Sussex Street, Sydney, and guests will include Howes' political and union colleagues and other Sydney personalities.
Greg Hunt Sky News Australian Agenda
31st October 2010 -
Views: 4772
The opposition was very much in the headlines this week, not least of which for
some discussions around banking, but also on policy fronts that were debated in the
parliament concerning climate change and of course the environment.