Cleaners Demonstrate Outside Myers Stores Across Australia

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11th November 2008, 04:19pm - Views: 1358

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11 November 2008

Cleaners demonstrate outside Myers

TODAY – 11 November 2008

Cleaners around the country are protesting outside Myer stores today because they’re sick of waiting

for Myers’ primary cleaning contractor, Menzies, to sort out problems in their work.

The LHMU – The cleaners’ union has removed Menzies from the Clean Start Responsible Contracting

list because of their refusal to negotiate on the Clean Start Collective Agreement. As a Responsible

Contracting signatory, Menzies had committed to provide quality services to clients and good jobs to


So far 19 of the Responsible Contractors have signed on to the Clean Start Agreement which is all

about finally achieving fair pay and fair working conditions for cleaners. To date Menzies had not been

a part of negotiations despite numerous approaches.

“We’re disappointed Menzies has adopted this hard-headed approach to their hard-working cleaners. I

know of one worker who has resigned in disgust,” says Louise Tarrant, LHMU National Secretary.

“We have reports from cleaners of breaches of the award by Menzies. The Menzies Group of

Companies made more than $8.2 million in profit last year – profit that is backed up by cleaners’ sweat

and tears on the job.  Cleaners deserve better from Menzies. That’s why they’ll be demonstrating

outside Myers stores today.”

Local Myer store demonstration details and contacts:


4-5 pm, Myer City Store, North Terrace entrance – Chris Field 0419 829 762


12 noon, Myer City Store - Ben Jones 0439 758 894


12 noon Myer Store Tuggeranong – Lyndal Ryan 0411 643 982


12 noon, Myer City Store – David O’Byrne – 0417 374 865


12 noon at Myer City Store. Forrest Chase - Carolyn Smith 0403 464 331


12 noon, Myer City Store, George Street - Nada Vlatko 0425 242 691

Contact:  Nada Vlatko, LHMU National Office - 0425 242 691

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