Nsw Parliament Hosts National Week Of Deaf People

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21st October 2009, 03:58pm - Views: 1163
NSW Parliament Hosts National Week of Deaf People

The lively and animated debate that State Parliament is renowned for is extending beyond the bear pit as NSW Parliament hosts the Deaf Community's celebration of National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) this week.

The National Week of Deaf People is a week-long national celebration of Deaf individuals and the Deaf Australian community.

Auslan, the language of the Australian Deaf Community, will show the colourful theatrics of parliamentary debate when Question Time is interpreted to Deaf citizens by sign language interpreters in the public gallery.

Helen Westwood MLC is hosting the week of celebration in partnership with the Parent Council for Deaf Education, Deaf Australia NSW and The Deaf Society of New South Wales.

"Helen Westwood and the Parliament of NSW are to be congratulated for their initiative in hosting the events of this week," said Sharon Everson, CEO of the Deaf Society of NSW. "It is an unprecedented move towards a deaf-friendly NSW."

Today's events include a briefing for MPs, and a panel discussion "Reality Check Choices for Deaf People" from 6pm tonight where the Minister for Education and Minister for Disability Services will be panellists along with deaf people and parents of deaf children.

National Week of Deaf People at NSW Parliament was launched yesterday (Tuesday 20th October) featuring a performance by Nepean High School signing choir.

"This is an opportunity for the Deaf Community to engage in the democratic processes of the Parliament in a way they have not previously experienced", Ms Westwood said, "this is a first".

"The week's activities will also raise awareness amongst MPs of the Deaf community, Deaf people and the issues they and their families face on a daily basis", Ms Westwood said.

Further information can be obtained from The Deaf Society of New South Wales by telephoning (02) 8833 3600 or at www.deafsocietynsw.org.au.

More information about NWDP can also be found at www.deafau.org.au/community/nwdp.php.

The Deaf Society of New South Wales is the leading provider in NSW of specialist services for people who deaf and hard of hearing and their families.

The Deaf Society believes that people who are Deaf or hearing impaired should enjoy the same political, civil and human rights as other members of the community. The Deaf Society works within the community to ensure people who are Deaf or hearing impaired achieve their full rights and fulfill their responsibilities as Australian citizens.


Sharon Everson, CEO
(02) 8833 3600
The Deaf Society of New South Wales
[email protected]

SOURCE: The Deaf Society of New South Wales


21 October 2009

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