Access To 1979 Cabinet Records Postponed

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30th November 2009, 03:35pm - Views: 1155

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National Archives of Australia

Media Alert

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The 1979 Cabinet records briefing has been postponed until Tuesday 8 December. The

National Archives has made the change to avoid a clash with the Liberal party room


Date: Tuesday 8 December

Time: 10 am

Place: Menzies Room, National Archives,

           Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes ACT 

The Cabinet records are provided on two conditions:

that the embargo of midnight on 31 December 2009 is observed

that the National Archives of Australia is acknowledged as the source in all

published and broadcast news.

To register your place at the briefing, please phone Ellen Peterson on (02) 6212 3957 or


Malcolm Fraser’s government faced a range of challenges in 1979. At home, inflation was

again rising, there were industrial disputes and the unions threatened a wages breakout that

would destroy the government’s wage indexation policy. Abroad, Vietnam invaded

Kampuchea (Cambodia), the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and Ayatollah Khomeini

took power in Iran. The flow of refugees from Indo-China threatened to become a tidal wave

confronting Australia with difficult political decisions.

At the briefing, historian Dr Jim Stokes will summarise the events of 1979, while researcher,

writer and academic Professor Patrick Weller, Premier of Queensland Chair of Governance

and Public Management, and Director, Centre for Governance and Public Policy at Griffith

University, will provide an expert commentary.  Professor Weller is the author, co-author or

editor of some 37 books including Malcolm Fraser PM: A Study in Prime Ministerial Power in

Australia, and Cabinet Government in Australia, 1901-2006.

Journalists attending the briefing will receive copies of key Cabinet documents, lists of

records considered by Cabinet in 1979 and information on the significant events of the year.

Journalists are reminded that they need to provide media accreditation with photo ID to

attend the event and will be required to sign a personal agreement that the embargo will be


Media contacts: 

Ellen Peterson (02) 6212 3957 or  

0402 441 590. Yvonne Kennedy

(02) 6212 3755 or 0450 346 998 

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