Make Sure Your Vote Counts

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1st December 2009, 01:00pm - Views: 1189

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Media contact

Keith Eaton

Manager Operations & Public Awareness, NSW State Office

Phone: (02) 9375 6312 • Mobile: 0412 269 720

1 December 2009

Make sure your vote counts in the Bradfield by-election

With a record number of 22 candidates in the Bradfield by-election, the Australian Electoral

Commission (AEC) is reminding electors of the importance of taking time to carefully

number every box on the ballot paper they receive on election day.

The Divisional Returning Officer for Bradfield, Yvonne Harrison, said “People could vote

from 8am to 6pm at any of the 37 polling places in the Bradfield electorate on election day,

Saturday 5 December.”

“I urge electors to carefully read the instructions on the green ballot paper. You must

number every box on the ballot paper from 1 to 22 in the order of your choice and make

sure no numbers are repeated or any box is left blank.” 

“Polling officials are available at every polling place to assist electors and if you do make a

mistake just ask a polling official for a replacement ballot paper.”

To find your nearest polling place, including polling places with full or assisted disability

Ms Harrison also reminded electors that while political parties or candidates may suggest to

their supporters to vote in a particular way, it is entirely up to electors to decide where their

preferences go when completing the ballot paper.

Voting is compulsory for all Australian citizens aged 18 years and over and enrolled

in the electorate of Bradfield. 

“If you’re going to be outside the Bradfield electorate on election day you can vote now at

an early voting centre or by post, simply visit for more details,” she said.

The by-election will be conducted using the same electoral boundaries for Bradfield as used

at the 2007 federal election.

For more information on the Bradfield by-election visit or call the AEC on

13 23 26.

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