Postal Voters Urged To Return Votes

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30th November 2009, 01:00pm - Views: 1154

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Media contacts

Keith Eaton

Manager Operations & Public Awareness, NSW State Office

Phone: (02) 9375 6312 • Mobile: 0412 269 720

30 November 2009

Postal voters urged to return their vote in Bradfield by-election

Bradfield electors voting by post in the by-election are being urged to return their completed

ballot papers now, or consider voting at an early voting centre instead, the Australian

Electoral Commission (AEC) said today. 

The Divisional Returning Officer for Bradfield, Yvonne Harrison, said “Time was running out

to apply for and return a postal vote” and she encouraged Bradfield electors to first consider

if they could vote at an early voting centre.

“Early voting centres are now open and will operate until Friday, 4 December 2009. To find

the location and operating hours of the nearest early voting centre, visit the AEC website at or call 13 23 26,” Ms Harrison said.

“If you’ve applied for a postal vote you can still decide to vote at an early voting centre. Just

return the un-used postal voting materials to the AEC or destroy them.” 

“If voting by post is the only option, you can get a postal vote application form on the AEC

website at, at any AEC office or Australia Post outlet in the Bradfield

electorate or by calling 13 23 26, but you must send it back to the AEC immediately.”

Electors who are voting by post must have their completed postal vote in the mail to the

AEC so that it is postmarked no later than the date of the election. Alternatively, the

completed postal vote be can delivered to any AEC Office, Early Voting Centre or Bradfield

Polling Place prior to the close of the poll on election day on Saturday, 5 December 2009.

Electors are eligible for an early vote if they:

are more than 8km from a polling place

are approaching childbirth 

have a serious illness or care for someone who is ill

have religious beliefs that prevent them from attending a polling place on election day

are working or travelling on election day.

Election day for the Bradfield House of Representatives by-election is Saturday, 5

December 2009. Voting is compulsory for Australian citizens aged 18 years and over and

enrolled in the electorate of Bradfield.

The by-election will be conducted using the same electoral boundaries for Bradfield as used

at the 2007 federal election.

For more information on the Bradfield by-election visit or call the AEC on

13 23 26.

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