Defence Press Releases & Articles 126 - 130 of 976

Afghan Troops Seize Bomb-making Caches starstarstarstarstar   3rd September 2009 - Views: 799 Afghan Troops Seize Bomb-making Caches The daylight raid on Sunday found more than five tonnes of ammonium nitrate, the key ingredient to the Taliban’s home-made explosives. While Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are a threat to coalition forces, Afghan civilians are often killed and wounded by indiscriminate IED emplacement.

150th Skilling Agreement Signed starstarstarstarstar   1st September 2009 - Views: 796 150th Skilling Agreement Signed Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today announced that the 150th Agreement under the Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry (SADI) Program has been signed with Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd.

Reception Ceremony For The Late Flgoff Michael Herbert And Pltoff Robert Carver starstarstarstarstar   30th August 2009 - Views: 758 Reception Ceremony For The Late Flgoff Michael Herbert And Pltoff Robert Carver A reception ceremony for the late Flying Officer Michael Herbert and Pilot Officer Robert Carver, who are being brought home from Vietnam.

Flgoff Michael Herbert And Pltoff Robert Carver Return Home To Australia starstarstarstarstar   30th August 2009 - Views: 752 Flgoff Michael Herbert And Pltoff Robert Carver Return Home To Australia After 39 years, Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver’s family and friends will finally be able to bring them home to lay them to rest,” Dr Kelly said.

Sail Training Ship Young Endeavour Arrives In Darwin starstarstarstarstar   28th August 2009 - Views: 842 Sail Training Ship Young Endeavour Arrives In Darwin Lieutenant Commander Gavin Dawe, Commanding Officer Young Endeavour , and Mr Achim Drescher, Chairman of the Young Endeavour Youth Scheme Board, welcomed His Honour on board the ship during a reception on Wednesday 26 August 2009.

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