Government Sends Navy Dive Team To Tonga
7th August 2009 -
Views: 805
Yesterday, the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, received an official request for support from the Tongan Government to help recover bodies from the ferry ‘Princesss Ashika’ which sank on Wednesday evening.
Defence Base Security Review
5th August 2009 -
Views: 831
The review will be conducted by the Chief Security Officer with representation from the services, Defence Support Group and Attorney-General’s Department.
Army In Concert 2009
5th August 2009 -
Views: 847
The Band of the Royal Military College, Duntroon and the Australian Army Band Kapooka will join forces at the Canberra Theatre on the 19 th August 2009 at 7.30pm for “Army in Concert”.
Australian And Afghan National Army Soldiers Wounded In Ied Attacks
4th August 2009 -
Views: 775
During a security patrol north of Tarin Kowt on Saturday 1 August, a combined Australian and Afghan National Army force suffered two casualties when an IED detonated close to the dismounted team.
Australian Chinook Receives Small Arms Fire In Afghanistan
4th August 2009 -
Views: 797
The Australian Chinook aircraft was operating in Southern Afghanistan as part of the International Security Assistance Force.