Combet Welcomes Further Bushmaster Sales To Dutch
25th August 2009 -
Views: 783
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence, Personnel, Materiel and Science, today congratulated Thales Australia on its recent sale of 14 additional Bushmaster vehicles to the Netherlands Army, bringing total Dutch orders to 86 vehicles.
New Adf Pilot Training System
25th August 2009 -
Views: 868
Senator Faulkner said that the Defence Capability Plan 2009, which was released on 1 July 2009, includes the replacement of the existing ADF pilot training system with a more efficient and modern one.
Australian Defence Force Academy Open Day
24th August 2009 -
Views: 848
The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) invites school students, parents and the local community to the 2009 Open Day.
Afghanistan Election
21st August 2009 -
Views: 821
Senator Faulkner said that despite Taliban threats to conduct attacks and to harass and intimidate voters, the elections proceeded with minimal disruption in Oruzgan province.
Public Consultation - Super Hornet Operations At Raaf Amberley
21st August 2009 -
Views: 799
In preparation for arrival of the new aircraft, Air Force is completing a Public Environment Report on Super Hornet operations at Amberley.