Combet Welcomes Further Bushmaster Sales To Dutch

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25th August 2009, 03:01pm - Views: 784

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 25 August 2009




Greg Combet, Minister for Defence, Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

congratulated Thales Australia on its recent sale of 14 additional Bushmaster

vehicles to the Netherlands Army, bringing total Dutch orders to 86 vehicles.

“The standard Bushmaster troop carrier variants will be delivered to the

Netherlands Ministry of Defence in October and November, with the vehicles

destined for Afghanistan,” Mr Combet said.

“The Bushmaster continues to be very successful on operations and Thales is

working closely with the Netherlands Ministry of Defence to meet their

ongoing requirements.

“The Bushmaster is currently deployed overseas with Australian and Dutch

forces in Afghanistan.  Troops operating the vehicle overseas have told me

the Bushmaster continues to perform remarkably well," Mr Combet said.


“The Bushmaster is providing a high level of protection and performance to

troops in Oruzgan province, Afghanistan – one the world’s most dangerous

and inhospitable environments.

“I will continue to endorse and promote Australian defence industry

capabilities to our allies, at every opportunity.  The Busmaster team in

Bendigo, Victoria, is doing a great job representing Australian industry,” Mr

Combet said.

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