New Adf Pilot Training System

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25th August 2009, 11:59am - Views: 869

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 25 August 2009 



The Minister for Defence, Senator John Faulkner, today announced that the

Government has given first pass approval for a major project to provide the

Australian Defence Force (ADF) with a new Pilot Training System. 

“The new Pilot Training System will enhance the ADF’s ability to train highly

qualified and skilled pilots to operate its next generation of airborne

capabilities,” Senator Faulkner said.

“Over the coming decade, the ADF plans to replace almost all of its airborne

assets with the latest generation aircraft which will require a greater number of

pilots with more advanced skill-sets.” 

“That replacement program will include fixed-wing new air combat aircraft to

be flown by Air Force pilots and new naval aviation and troop-lift helicopters to

be flown by Navy and Army pilots.”

Senator Faulkner said that the Defence Capability Plan 2009, which was

released on 1 July 2009, includes the replacement of the existing ADF pilot

training system with a more efficient and modern one. The system will be

procured using a performance based contract for construction and delivery of

pilot training.

The project, known as AIR 5428 Phase 1, will provide student pilots with the

necessary training and qualifications, including theory and flight experience, to

enable them to become pilots in the Navy, Army and Air Force. Through flight

screening and basic and advanced training, the new Pilot Training System will

prepare Air Force pilots for operational conversion and Army and Navy pilots

for transfer to advanced helicopter training.

“The Government will make a final decision about the new Pilot Training

System model in the period 2012-13 to 2014-15,” Senator Faulkner said. “The

new system will enter service in the 2015 to 2017 timeframe.”

“Importantly, Australian industry will have the opportunity to support the

delivery of this new capability.”

Media contacts:

Colin Campbell (John Faulkner):

02 6277 7800 or 0407 787 181

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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