Kkanimbla Begins Central Role In Talisman Saber 09
10th July 2009 -
Views: 781
Commander Tim Byles, HMAS Kanimbla’s Commanding Officer, said that his crew was looking forward to the challenges the exercise would bring, as they had spent many months preparing for Talisman Saber.
Media Alert
8th July 2009 -
Views: 846
The Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science and the Acting Minister for Climate Change, Greg Combet, is in Canberra today and will hold a doorstop.
Defencei Nternet And Email Services Down
2nd July 2009 -
Views: 799
Defence media regrets to advise that the Department of Defence website and Defence Media email address are currently unavailable due to technical problems.
Fromelles Project - Archaeological Excavation
6th July 2009 -
Views: 809
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, and Alan Griffin, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, today corrected the public record in response to media reporting regarding the Fromelles Project archaeological excavation.
Signing Of Aic Deed With Raytheon
1st July 2009 -
Views: 844
The Hon. Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today welcomed the signing of an Australian Industry Capability (AIC) Deed with the Managing Director of Raytheon Australia, Ron Fisher, and the establishment.
of Raytheon Australia’s Industry Development Unit