Kkanimbla Begins Central Role In Talisman Saber 09

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10th July 2009, 04:34pm - Views: 782

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 207/09

Friday, 10 July 2009


With more than five hundred service personnel embarked from Navy, Army and Air

Force, as well as United States Marines, HMAS Kanimbla has arrived off Cowley

Beach in Queensland ready to begin her central role in Exercise Talisman Saber 09. 

The ship has already become a hive of activity as the crew prepares for a number of

amphibious activities designed to improve the interoperability of Australian and US


Commander Tim Byles, HMAS Kanimbla’s Commanding Officer, said that his crew

was looking forward to the challenges the exercise would bring, as they had spent

many months preparing for Talisman Saber. This training was promptly put to the test

when Kanimbla was asked on day two of the exercise to conduct a stern door

marriage with a landing craft from USS Denver.

Commander Byles said that he was proud with the way the crew handled this

challenge, as it was the first time Kanimbla had undertaken this manoeuvre with a

ship from the US Navy. 

Our successful evolutions demonstrate Kanimbla’s ability to work safely and

efficiently with members of the US Navy’, Commander Byles said.

As a result of this type of exercise, Australian and US forces will be better able to

cooperate in a variety of military operations including conventional conflict,

peacekeeping and humanitarian aid missions.

“Australian and US Forces have a long and successful track record in assisting each

other and I am confident that Talisman Saber will build upon these past

achievements,” said Commander Byles.

Imagery will be available at www.defence.gov.au/opEx/excercises/ts09/gallery.htm

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

   Combined Joint Information Bureau: 1800 639 724

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