Flgoff Michael Herbert And Pltoff Robert Carver Return Home To Australia

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30th August 2009, 04:30pm - Views: 755

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science


Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Sunday, 30 August 2009




Mike Kelly, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, joined members of

Flying Officer Michael Herbert and Pilot Officer Robert Carver’s families, and

former comrades of Number 2 Squadron in a solemn ceremony at Noi Bai

Airfield, Hanoi, as Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver begin their

return to Australia.

“Today our last remaining Australian Defence Force members from the

Vietnam War will return home.  After 39 years, Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot

Officer Carver’s family and friends will finally be able to bring them home to

lay them to rest,” Dr Kelly said.

“A C-130 Hercules will transport Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver

to RAAF Base Richmond, where they will be ceremoniously received by

current and former members of 2 Squadron,” Dr Kelly said.

A reception ceremony will be held tomorrow at RAAF Base Richmond, and

will be attended by Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver’s families

and veterans of the Vietnam War. 

Official dignitaries, who travelled with the family to Hanoi, including the

Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, and Chief of Air Force, Air

Marshal Mark Binskin, will also attend.

Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, thanked

those who have worked tirelessly to bring Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot

Officer Carver home.

“The work done by the Air Operations Division of Defence Science and

Technology Organisation (DSTO) provided crucial support for the initial

location of the missing aircraft.  Their expertise and modelling work refined

and prioritised the search area,” Mr Combet said.

“We appreciate their efforts, and those of the Army History Unit and the

Australian Government team, which included forensic odontologists,

anthropologist and pathologist, and an archaeologist, who all assisted in this

significant mission to locate these last remaining ADF members in Vietnam.

“I would also like to acknowledge the efforts and commitment to the recovery

of Australian war dead shown by Jim Bourke and Operation Aussies Home.

“This is an excellent result.  The cooperation of the Vietnamese authorities

has been exceptional and highly valued by the team and the Government of

Australia,” Mr Combet said.

The return of Flying Officer Herbert and Pilot Officer Carver completes the

recovery of all Australian Service personnel who were lost on operations and

not recovered during the Vietnam War.

Lance Corporal Parker and Private Gillson were repatriated to Australia in

June 2007, Lance Corporal Gillespie in December 2007, and Private Fisher in

October last year.

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Media contacts:

Elyse Gatt (Mike Kelly) - travelling:

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Rod Hilton (Greg Combet)

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