150th Skilling Agreement Signed

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1st September 2009, 01:41pm - Views: 798

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Tuesday, 01 September 2009 



Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today

announced that the 150th Agreement under the Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry

(SADI) Program has been signed with Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd.

“The Agreement will provide this Small to Medium Enterprise with an additional 20

training opportunities over and above the company’s normal training program,” Mr

Combet said.

“With a combined total of over 100 year’s experience in the heat-treating industry,

this Queensland owned family business has been operating since 1979 and has

grown from a one man show to a staff of 40 in Brisbane.” 

“Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd is a market leader in Australia, and the only

thermal treatments company to be part of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Project.” 

“To date, Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd has processed components used

in structural, weapons bay, missile and guidance as well as other components for the


“The Agreement represents a joint commitment on the part of the Defence Materiel

Organisation (DMO) and Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd to spend over

$126,000 on defence-specific technical training.”

“The Australian Government has committed more than $43 million from SADI

Program funds to address the unique character of many defence-relevant skills and

the rising demand associated with the ongoing modernisation and expansion of the

Australian Defence Force’s capability.”

“Mrs Combet commended staff at both Heat Treatment Australia (QLD) Pty Ltd and

the DMO for their collaborative efforts in reaching this latest Agreement.” 

“The SADI initiative shares the responsibility for skills growth and development

between industry and Government.” 

“Given the importance of this industry to our national security, the Government is

strongly committed to supporting defence industry with a meaningful response to the

specific training needs of the defence sector,” Mr Combet said.  

Media contacts

Rod Hilton (Mr Combet)

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison 

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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