Smoke Alarm Alerts Man In Lidcombe House Fire
17th May 2008 -
Views: 1378
At approximately 3:15am the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) responded to a house fire on Boorea Street after receiving a Triple Zero (000) call.
Video News Release - Smoke Alarm Campaign
31st March 2008 -
Views: 1280
Last year 70 Australian lives were lost in accidental house fires. In a bid to prevent these tragedies the fire services ask residents to change their smoke alarm battery this April Fools day.
Bushfire Survey Goes Online
15th February 2010 -
Views: 1256
The Bushfires Royal Commission last week heard evidence on native vegetation laws and this week will hear expert evidence on fuel reduction burning.
Nswfb Reiterates No Tolerance For Workplace Misconduct
14th February 2010 -
Views: 1352
While behaviours like those reported are believed to have been eliminated years ago, the
NSWFB has already taken strong action in recent months to reinforce measures aimed at
preventing and detecting all forms of misconduct, and maintaining a safe and healthy
workplace for all employees.
$290,000 Iga Donation Helps Cfa Statewide
2nd February 2010 -
Views: 1250
A hand-over of funds was held today at CFA’s State Logistics Centre, which distributes much of the new equipment bought with IGA’s donations.