Emergency Services Press Releases & Articles 36 - 40 of 57

Mfb Fire Truck Sets Sail To Samoa starstarstarstarstar   27th October 2009 - Views: 1385 Mfb Fire Truck Sets Sail To Samoa MFB has prepared a Scania Mark III pumper tanker to replace the destroyed water tanker, and with the assistance of Emergency Management Australia (EMA) and AusAID, the fully equipped firefighting appliance will be shipped to Samoa.

Excercise Big Dipper- Marine Pollution Exercise starstarstarstarstar   22nd October 2009 - Views: 1372 Sydney Ports Corporation is today staging 'Exercise Big Dipper', a simulated oil spill, designed to test the emergency response capabilities of Sydney Ports Corporation and Shell.

Firefighter Dies At Grass Fire On Nsw North Coast starstarstarstarstar   17th October 2009 - Views: 1277 Firefighter Dies At Grass Fire On Nsw North Coast NSWFB Commissioner Greg Mullins said that the firefighter collapsed shortly after the grass fire had been extinguished.

Vic Bushfire Chief Nixon To Speak On Disaster Recovery starstarstarstarstar   16th October 2009 - Views: 1234 Vic Bushfire Chief Nixon To Speak On Disaster Recovery Ms Christine Nixon APM, Chair, Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority, will deliver the Families Australia National Oration on Monday 19 October 2009 at the Mural Hall, Parliament House, Canberra (commencing at 6.30pm).

Exercise Stingray - Pollution Response starstarstarstarstar   15th October 2009 - Views: 1272 Exercise Stingray - Pollution Response Participants will examine the control and coordination requirements for this type of incident and develop an appropriate incident action plan.

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