Potential Army Trucks Finalise Testing 18th February 2010 - Views: 1189 Tenderers to provide Medium to Heavy Weight Trucks to the Army under Project Land 121 were asked to provide a range of vehicle platforms for evaluation.
First Mercedes-benz G Wagons Delivered 18th February 2010 - Views: 1157 “The G-Wagon offers enhanced levels of mobility and operational functionality and will provide a new capability for Defence.
Australian Air Traffic Controllers Arrive In Haiti 17th February 2010 - Views: 1170 The five ATCOs deployed to Port-au-Prince on Friday and are contributing to operations and assisting their US counterparts in support of the Haitian relief effort.
Improved Firepower For The Adf 17th February 2010 - Views: 1182 “These new weapons provide an increased direct fire support capability and will be employed by the Infantry, Special Forces and RAAF Airfield Defence Guards.
Three Schools To Lead Sa-first Defence Program 17th February 2010 - Views: 1148 Three South Australian high schools have been chosen to lead a new $5.7 million program that will prepare young South Australians for jobs in the defence industry.