Three Schools To Lead Sa-first Defence Program

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17th February 2010, 12:36pm - Views: 1176

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 17 February 2010



Three South Australian high schools have been chosen to lead a new $5.7

million program that will prepare young South Australians for jobs in the

defence industry.

Federal Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science Greg Combet

and State Education Minister Jane Lomax-Smith today announced the

successful lead schools.

They are Henley High School (western region), Valley View Secondary School

(northern region) and Aberfoyle Park High School (southern region).

St Patrick’s Technical College Northern Adelaide has been chosen as a focus

curriculum school within the program.

Five additional partner schools will be identified in each region in the first half

of this year. One of the program’s aims will be to get 1000 more senior

secondary students studying maths and science.

The South Australian Advanced Technology Industry – School Pathways

Program, first announced last year, is part of the Federal Government’s $10.9

million National Partnership Agreement to prepare young people for work in

the defence industry.

The lead schools will develop specialised curriculum for Year 6 to 12 students

around maths, science and technology, and will have a particular focus on

industry vocational curriculum, higher education pathways and career

development for students. 

Mr Combet says the initiative is targeted at addressing skill shortages within

the Australian defence industry by increasing the pool of suitably qualified

people from which defence industry can recruit.

“South Australia is undoubtedly building itself as a defence State and we want

to make sure that young people are in the box seat to take up jobs in this

important industry,” Mr Combet says.

Dr Lomax-Smith says the program provides opportunities for students to be

placed into school-based apprenticeships, cadetships and internships within

the defence industry.

“This program enables students to develop a path from school into ongoing

study at TAFE, University or straight into employment and aims to get 1000

more students studying maths and science in their senior years of education, 

“The program will deliver fresh job opportunities for young people by ensuring

they have the appropriate skills needed by the defence industry.

“The initiative will build on the State Government’s 10 Trade Schools for the

Future, which opened at the start of 2008 backed with a $29.5 million


“Our trade schools program has so far helped more than 1300 high school

students to take up high-level apprenticeships alongside their South

Australian Certificate of Education studies.

“Together, these investments will address significant skills demands within the

defence industry across South Australia.” Dr Lomax Smith said.

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 4771 or 0458 276 619

Leah Manuel (Jane Lomax Smith)      0422 006 647

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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