Improved Firepower For The Adf

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17th February 2010, 01:26pm - Views: 1216

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Improved Firepower for the ADF

Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science today

announced improved firepower for the ADF with contracts being signed for a

new anti-armour weapon capability. 

“Defence has contracted SAAB Bofors Dynamics for the supply of the M3

84mm Carl Gustaf anti-armour support weapon,” Mr Combet said. 

“These new weapons provide an increased direct fire support capability and

will be employed by the Infantry, Special Forces and RAAF Airfield Defence


“Soldiers will appreciate the weight savings afforded by the M3 Carl Gustaf

anti-armour weapon.

“The value of the contract with SAAB Bofors Dynamics is approximately

$10.5m which includes the supply of weapons, spares and documentation to

support the system,” Mr Combet said. 

In addition, Mr Combet announced the contract with BAE Systems Australia to

supply the enhanced sighting system for the newly acquired M3 84mm Carl

Gustaf anti-armour weapon.

“The value of the contract with BAE Systems Australia is approximately $16m

which includes the supply of sighting systems, spares, documentation and

three years of support for the system,” Mr Combet said.

“The enhanced sighting system includes thermal technology which provides

the ADF with an increased direct-fire support capability when used with the

M3 84mm Carl Gustaf anti-armour weapon.

“Furthermore, the new sight will also now permit engagements during day,

night and adverse conditions,” Mr Combet said. 


Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet)

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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