Defence Press Releases & Articles 801 - 805 of 976

Rocket Attack On Australian Forces At Tarin Kowt starstarstarstarstar   7th May 2010 - Views: 1085 Rocket Attack On Australian Forces At Tarin Kowt The coalition military base at Tarin Kowt came under insurgent rocket attack in the early hours of Thursday the 6th of May.

Gizab's Taliban Commander Captured starstarstarstarstar   7th May 2010 - Views: 931 Gizab's Taliban Commander Captured Gizab’s Taliban Commander captured Australian Special Forces and their Afghan partner force, the Provincial Police Reserve, have captured the commander of the Taliban forces in Gizab.

Air Force Balloon To Support The Brindabella Christian College Fete starstarstarstarstar   7th May 2010 - Views: 947 Air Force Balloon To Support The Brindabella Christian College Fete While tethered, the Balloon will conduct continuous short flights for event attendees to a height not exceeding 20 metres.

First Mentoring Task Force Troops On The Frontline In Afghanistan starstarstarstarstar   6th May 2010 - Views: 938 First Mentoring Task Force Troops On The Frontline In Afghanistan In the past week, MTF-1 soldiers and their Afghan National Army counterparts have found fifteen insurgent weapons and ammunition caches, as well as two improvised explosive devices, in the Mirabad Valley, Baluchi Valley and Chora regions.

Supportive Employers Recognised In Nsw starstarstarstarstar   6th May 2010 - Views: 945 Supportive Employers Recognised In Nsw The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, Dr Mike Kelly, has congratulated 30 New South Wales employers on receiving awards for the excellent support they offer to Defence Reservists.

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