Air Force Members Honoured By Netherlands Government
26th May 2010 -
Views: 883
Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, Dr Mike Kelly, today attended a special ceremony during which the Netherlands Government honoured Royal Australian Air Force Health Services personnel for their work in Afghanistan.
Australian And Afghan Soldiers Conduct Major Road Convoy
26th May 2010 -
Views: 911
The first leg from Tarin Kowt to Kandahar, a 150 kilometre road trip, involving around 100 vehicles, was conducted without incident in around 18 hours on 16 May.
Aussie Soldiers Train New Afghan 'tradies'
25th May 2010 -
Views: 907
More than 200 young men have now graduated from the Trade Training School that was established in 2006.
Hmas Dechaineux Returns To Service
23rd May 2010 -
Views: 924
Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, today welcomed the successful
return to service of the Collins Class submarine, HMAS Dechaineux.
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (aspi) Funding Agreement
21st May 2010 -
Views: 878
Under the agreement, Defence will provide ASPI with a grant of $3.3 million
per year, indexed annually at the same rate applied to the Defence budget for the
period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2014, with an option to extend for up to four years.