Hmas Dechaineux Returns To Service

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23rd May 2010, 04:27pm - Views: 925

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Minister for Defence Materiel and Science

Sunday, 23 May 2010

065 /2010


Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, today welcomed the successful

return to service of the Collins Class submarine, HMAS Dechaineux. 

“The successful return to service of Dechaineux shows efforts to improve material

availability of Navy’s submarine force are paying off,” said Mr Combet. 

HMAS Dechaineux has recently completed its first Full Cycle Docking at the Adelaide yard

of its builder, ASC Pty Ltd.

Full Cycle Docking is the major recertification and upgrade docking for the submarines.

Dechaineux is the fourth submarine to complete this upgrade and arrived today in its home

port of Fleet Base West, Western Australia after an intensive sea trials period to prove its


“The Government has been working to improve the level of submarine availability. To help

provide an increased focus and scrutiny of the submarine sustainment program the

Government formed the Australian Submarine Program Office (ASPO) earlier this year.

“The return of HMAS Dechaineux is an important step in the improvements Navy, DMO

and ASC are making to submarine availability through the ASPO.

“I also acknowledge the US Navy’s strong support in the development of capability

upgrades for both our submarine forces. 

“During its full cycle docking Dechaineux was fitted with the BYG-1 combat system and

Mark48 Mod7 heavyweight torpedo, the third of the class to receive these upgrades. 

“This combat system and torpedo have been developed through a highly successful joint

program with the United States Navy. The combat and weapon system upgrades, together

with an augmented Special Forces deployment capability fitted to Dechaineux in the

docking, make it Navy’s most capable submarine.” Mr Combet said. 

HMAS Dechaineux joins HMAS Waller and HMAS Collins, both currently operating from

Fleet Base West. 

“Submarines are a potent maritime force and they will continue to play a major role in

protecting Australia’s maritime interests well into the future,” said Mr Combet. 

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):         

0458 276 619 

Defence Media Liaison:                            

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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