Defence Press Releases & Articles 741 - 745 of 976

Statement From Mr Ray And Mrs Pam Palmer starstarstarstarstar   24th June 2010 - Views: 940 Statement From Mr Ray And Mrs Pam Palmer We are on the eve of receiving our son, Scott, home from Afghanistan where he had been on operational duty in the service of the nation when he died.

Australia's Federation Guard Artillery Gun Salute Rehearsal starstarstarstarstar   23rd June 2010 - Views: 890 Australia's Federation Guard Artillery Gun Salute Rehearsal Australia’s Federation Guard will conduct an artillery gun salute rehearsal at Government House, Canberra. During this activity four artillery guns will conduct a 21-Gun Salute in preparation for ceremonial duties.

Hmas Bundaberg To Visit Southport And Host Open Day starstarstarstarstar   23rd June 2010 - Views: 923 Hmas Bundaberg To Visit Southport And Host Open Day The Royal Australian Navy announced today that HMAS Bundaberg will be conducting a port visit to Southport Queensland, from 25 to 29 June 2010.

Hmas Bundaberg Open Day 27 June starstarstarstarstar   23rd June 2010 - Views: 944 Hmas Bundaberg Open Day 27 June In April 2010, the ARDENT FOUR crew, embarked HMAS Bundaberg, received Joint Operations Commander Commendations for their response to the SIEV 36 incident.

Update To Soldiers Wounded In Helicopter Incident starstarstarstarstar   22nd June 2010 - Views: 893 Update To Soldiers Wounded In Helicopter Incident A decision has not yet been made when any or all of the injured soldiers will be moved to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre in Germany. No move will occur before their condition and available flights allow.

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