Statement From Mr Ray And Mrs Pam Palmer

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24th June 2010, 06:16pm - Views: 941

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 251/10

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Statement from Mr Ray and Mrs Pam Palmer

The following statement is being released at the request of Ray and Pam Palmer, the

parents of Private Scott Palmer, who was tragically killed on operational service with

the Special Operations Task Group in Afghanistan, on Monday, 21 June 2010.

We are on the eve of receiving our son, Scott, home from Afghanistan where he had

been on operational duty in the service of the nation when he died. Scott was a proud

and devoted soldier

who loved serving with his mates of the 2nd Commando

Regiment, and previously with 5th/7th

Royal Australian Regiment.  Serving in the

Army and being a Commando had been his long held dream. True to his nature, he

lived his dream with distinction.   

While our grieving has just begun, we lovingly remember the man whom Scott was: a

devoted son and brother to his family; a best friend to his father, Ray, and his brother,

Adam; always loyal to his mates. His connection to the University Pirates Rugby Club

characterised how dearly he valued his mates, maintaining great friends from that club

long after he had moved on.  To us all Scott was a larrikin who made us laugh, he had

mischief in his smile, love in his heart, and was completely generous regardless of


We have been overwhelmed by the expressions of support from the Katherine

community, his mates in the Army, his friends from the Pirates and loyal friends from

around the country. As you have kept us in your hearts, you are in ours. Your

thoughts and wishes steel us with the knowledge that we do not bear the burden of

this grief alone.

We would like to thank the Australian Defence Force for their efforts to support us

during this traumatic time. We would like to personally thank the Chief of Army,

Lieutenant General Ken Gillespie, Special Operations Commander Australia, Major

General Tim McOwan, Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus

Houston, for his reassuring words and being gracious with his time.  We would also

thank the 2nd Commando Regiment and the Defence Community Organisation for all

of the support they have given us during our time of need. We appreciate the effort

that all parties are making, including members of the media, to respect our privacy

during this time. 

Our beloved son is coming home. He can now rest in peace. 

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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