Cybercrime Blackmarket At Parliament House 8th November 2010 - Views: 2048 BLK MKT will be officially opened by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy.
Mandatory Sentencing Works In Wa Why Not Victoria ? 3rd November 2010 - Views: 2445 In the face of such evidence all political parties wanting votes should outline why minimum mandatory sentencing is not being pursued in Victoria for serious crimes such as “swarm bashings” which result in death or victims being left with brain damage from kicking to the head.
National Anti-crime Award Winners Announced 28th October 2010 - Views: 2009 The Australian Institute of Criminology says youth diversion, domestic violence and community strengthening projects have led the way at the 2010 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards.
Icac Investigations Up 186% In 2009-10 28th October 2010 - Views: 1849 The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has reported a 186% increase in the number of full investigations it undertook in 2009-10 from the previous year, while holding more than double the number of public inquiries held in 2008-09.
Lack Of Manadatory Sentencing Policies Could Decide State Election 23rd October 2010 - Views: 1274 Mr Mitchell said,” all, parties should spell out their commitments to introducing mandatory sentencing for all members of gangs involved in swarm attacks, in fact there should be a bi partisan approach.