Hmas Voyager Remembered 45 Years On
10th February 2009 -
Views: 920
Mr Griffin said 82 lives were lost when the Voyager and HMAS Melbourne collided off the south- east coast of Australia in 1964.
Media Alert - Ceremony At Ataturk Memorial - Minister To Attend
8th February 2009 -
Views: 940
Minister Griffin will be joined by His Excellency Mr Murat Ersavci, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, who will unveil a new plaque during the small ceremony.
Abbott's Comments Offensive And Degrading To Veterans
24th January 2009 -
Views: 910
“Such a comparison is offensive and degrading to those who put their lives on the line for our country.
Govt Committed To Commemorating Western Front Sacrifice
21st January 2009 -
Views: 923
“I expect to be able to announce further details later this year,” Mr Griffin said.
Deeming Rate To Be Lowered
18th January 2009 -
Views: 949
The deeming rate for the first $41,000 of a single pensioner’s financial investments ($68,200 for a couple) will remain unchanged at three per cent – this rate was lowered in November 2008. The higher deeming rate will be four per cent for the balance of financial investments over these amounts.