Winners Of Anzac Day Schools' Awards Announced
24th August 2009 -
Views: 799
Mr Griffin said he was impressed by the quality of entries and was pleased to support a competition that was encouraging another generation of Australians to learn about our wartime history.
Australia's Veterans Urged To Get Active - Veterans' Health Week, 24-30 August
23rd August 2009 -
Views: 839
Mr Griffin said Veterans’ Health Week, 24-30 August, is a time for veterans, war widows and widowers to ensure they include physical activities in their daily routine to help maintain good physical and mental health.
$500,000 In Scholarships For Children Of Vietnam Veterans
21st August 2009 -
Views: 1247
Fifty-six sons and daughters of Vietnam veterans have received scholarships totalling more than $500,000 from the Australian Government to support their tertiary studies, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, said today.
Key Targets Met In Veterans' Family Study
21st August 2009 -
Views: 866
In the week of Vietnam Veterans’ Day, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Alan Griffin announced that key target participant numbers have been achieved to commence a study into the long term effects of war service on Vietnam veterans’ families.
Vietnam Veterans' Day
18th August 2009 -
Views: 811
“Vietnam was Australia’s longest involvement in a war with around 60,000 personnel serving over 10 years from 1962 to 1972,” Mr Griffin said.