$500,000 In Scholarships For Children Of Vietnam Veterans

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21st August 2009, 03:36pm - Views: 1249

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Friday, 21 August 2009  


Fifty-six sons and daughters of Vietnam veterans have received scholarships totalling more than

$500,000 from the Australian Government to support their tertiary studies, the Minister for Veterans’

Affairs, Alan Griffin, said today.

Mr Griffin said the Long Tan Bursary scheme recognises the challenges some children face as a

result of their parents’ Vietnam War service and provides financial support to help ease the costs of

tertiary education. 

“These students have overcome personal challenges to complete their education so far and I’m

pleased the Australian Government has been able to help them continue their education and realise

their career aspirations of becoming teachers, scientists, doctors, nurses and future leaders of this

country,” Mr Griffin said.

Mr Griffin said more than 300 children of Vietnam veterans had benefited from the scheme since it

was introduced in 2000.

“Named after the Battle of Long Tan in which 18 Australians lost their lives, the bursary provides up

to $9000 over three years to help hard-working and dedicated students complete their studies,” he


“I congratulate the Long Tan Bursary recipients for 2009 on their commitment to date and wish them

all the best in completing their tertiary studies.”

Mr Griffin said further education assistance is also available through two new scholarships

introduced in the 2009-10 Budget as well as other reforms to student income support.  

“These new scholarships seek to encourage students who may never have considered university to

look into further studies. The scholarships provide a start-up scholarship of $2254 a year to

university students who receive financial assistance under the Veterans’ Children Education

Scheme and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Education and Training Scheme.  A

relocation scholarship, with $4000 in the first year and $1000 each year after, will be available for

those students who have to move away from home to study,” he said.

Mr Griffin encouraged children of Vietnam veterans looking to undertake or continue their tertiary

education next year to apply for a Long Tan Bursary.  Applications opened on Vietnam Veterans’

Day, 18 August, and will close on 31 October.  

For more information on the Long Tan Bursary go to Long Tan Bursary Information Page, or for

more information on student income support reforms, go to 200910 Commonwealth Budget -


Editors note: A list of recipients is attached. Please note, some of the recipients wish to remain


Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046. To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at


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Long Tan Bursary recipients studying in New South Wales and the ACT

Sharonlee Cameron, Albury, Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Academy of Applied Hypnosis at

Lindfield, Sydney.

Kate Drummond, Albury, Bachelor of Nursing, Charles Sturt University, Albury.

Sarah Gillam, Redhead, Bachelor of Arts, Newcastle University.

Tyrone Holt, Mount Druitt, Diploma in IT (Multi Media), Western Institute of TAFE, Mount Druitt.

Zakary Huggett-Wright, Jerrabomberra Heights, Advanced Diploma Computer Forensics,

Canberra Institute of Technology.

James Lindsay, Belmont, Bachelor of Science (Biological Science), University of Western


Chanelle Littler, Pappinbarra, Bachelor of Teaching, Bachelor of Early Childhood, Newcastle


Jaxon O’Shea, Ariah Park, Bachelor of Civil Engineering, University of New South Wales.

Natasha Palmer, Lithgow, Bachelor of Agricultural Management, Charles Sturt University,


Lachlan Peattie, Blackmans Bay, Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Economics, Australian National

University, Canberra.

Hugh Podmore, Double Bay, Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts (Hons), University of New

South Wales.

Georgia Scherini, Ardlethan, Bachelor of Education (Primary), Charles Sturt University, Wagga.

Long Tan Bursary recipients studying in South Australia

Kelly Ferenczi, Houghton, Bachelor of Interior Architecture, University of South Australia.

Lauren Hadaway, Pooraka, Bachelor of Arts (health promotion, linguistics), Flinders University.

Rhys Murray, Hallett Cove, Bachelor of Pharmacy, University of South Australia.

Sharnee Scott, Woodside, Bachelor of Health Science, Adelaide University.

Long Tan Bursary recipients studying in Western Australia

Rebel Allen, Palmyra, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Chiropractic, Murdoch University.

Liana Annison, Albany, Diploma of Conservation and Land Management, TAFE WA.

Amy Hardman, Edgewater, Bachelor of Commerce, Curtin University.

Kristopher Healy, Dianella, Certificate IV of Education, Swan TAFE.

Jemma Shoppee, Margaret River, Bachelor of Education, Edith Cowan University.

Long Tan Bursary recipients studying in Victoria

Leah-Naomi Farnham-Quain, Warragul, Bachelor of Arts, Deakin University. 

Samuel Goodrich, Berwick, Diploma of Audio Engineering, JMC Academy.

Clark Lavery, Surrey Hills, Bachelor of Information Technology, RMIT University.

David Ludlow, Mount Eliza, Bachelor of Communications, RMIT University.

Miko Morell, Watsonia, Bachelor of Engineering, Melbourne University.

Rebecca Mountford, Wantirna, Bachelor of Social Science (Counselling), Australian Catholic


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Long Tan Bursary recipients studying in Queensland

Carlin Beattie, Auchenflower, Bachelor of Creative Industries, Queensland University of


James Bell, Cooran, Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), University of Sunshine Coast. 

Amanda Brown, Nikenbah, Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing), University of Sunshine Coast.

Belinda Cain, Bundaberg, Bachelor of Learning Management, Central Queensland University. 

Kimberley Field, Cooloola Cove, Bachelor of Arts, University of Sunshine Coast. 

Andrew Gill, Mackenzie, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Queensland University of Technology. 

Emma Jones, Nambour, Diploma of Beauty Therapy, Demi International Training School. 

Bronte Maguire, Buderim, Bachelor of Journalism, University of Sunshine Coast.

Brendan Murphy, Gin Gin, Bachelor of Engineering, University of Queensland. 

Selena Nicholson, Toowoomba, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), University of Southern


Kelly Ott, Auchenflower, Bachelor of Education, University of Queensland. 

Jacqueline Strudwick-Day, Kangaroo Point, Bachelor of Nursing, Griffith University. 

Farron Sullivan, Yeronga, Bachelor of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology. 

Jacqueline Walsh, Pomona, Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business, University of


Jaime Wright, Pomona, Bachelor of Nursing, University of Sunshine Coast.

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