Sandakan Prisoners Of War Remembered At New Centre
17th August 2009 -
Views: 857
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Alan Griffin said more than 2400 Australian and British soldiers died at the Sandakan prisoner of war camp and on the ‘death marches’ from Sandakan to Ranau in 1945.
Veterans' Health Week Editorial Materials Available
13th August 2009 -
Views: 841
Veterans’ Health Week is an initiative of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to encourage veterans, war widows, widowers and their families to think about their health and take part in regular exercise to live a stronger, healthier and happier life. The week will be held from 24-30 August.
New Premises For World-class Trauma Research Centre
7th August 2009 -
Views: 846
“Almost one-third (50,000) of Australia’s disabled veterans suffer a mental health disability, so the treatment of illnesses such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related conditions is very close to the hearts of those in the ex-service community,” Mr Griffin said.
Minister To Open New Premises For World-class Trauma Research Centre
6th August 2009 -
Views: 867
ACPMH is a world-class research and policy advice centre that seeks to improve the recognition and treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related conditions within the veteran and broader Australian communities.
95th Anniversary Of The Start Of The 'war To End All Wars'
4th August 2009 -
Views: 834
“More than 416,000 Australians enlisted in the First World War and of those more than 60,000 lost their lives on the battlefields of the Western Front, Gallipoli, the Middle East, in the skies above many of these battlefields and at sea,” Mr Griffin said.