$100,000 Grant Helps Rebuild Broadford Rsl
23rd December 2009 -
Views: 840
Almost two years since it was destroyed by electrical fire, the rebuilding of the Broadford RSL is one step closer with a $100,836 grant announced today by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin.
Minister To Announce Funding To Help Rebuild Broadford Rsl
22nd December 2009 -
Views: 840
“RSL facilities play a vital role in many regional communities across Australia. Broadford is no different and the loss of the RSL club two years ago has been sorely missed by the community,” Mr Griffin said.
Noting Veteran Counselling Services In Your Reporting
16th December 2009 -
Views: 807
Recent media reporting on mental health issues affecting Australian Defence Force personnel and veterans helps to encourage individuals and their families to seek assistance, however many reports do not provide details of where those affected can get help.
Department Of Veterans' Affairs Arrangements During Christmas And New Year
1st December 2009 -
Views: 823
Veterans will be able to access key services throughout the Christmas and New Year period, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, said today.
Wwi Orphan Memorialised
27th November 2009 -
Views: 868
After being orphaned, Henri was wounded, then adopted by the French, the British and finally by 4 th Squadron when he walked into their Christmas dinner on 25 December 1918.