Community Housing Lobby Seeks $600 Million From Richard Wynne
18th September 2008 -
Views: 897
Community Housing Lobby Seeks $600 million from Richard Wynne Yesterday the Community Housing Federation of Victoria (CHFV) met with the State Housing Minister Richard Wynne. At this meeting CHFV presented a case for a dedicated fund of $600 million to build affordable rental housing. A real boost to investment in the 2009 budget to tackle the supply crisis in affordable housing would improve access for tenants in urgent need.
Mav Media Release - Productivity Commission Confirms Some Councils Require Additional Funding Suppor
17th April 2008 -
Views: 855
The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) has welcomed the general findings of the Productivity Commission's report assessing local government revenue raising capacity as part of the broader need to address the financial sustainability challenges facing the sector
Wa Govt Wrong On Private Vs Public Prisoner Upkeep Costings
17th December 2009 -
Views: 828
In announcing the Economic Audit Committee report The Treasurer claimed that the costs for holding prisoners at Acacia Prison was $40,000 less per prisoner than the costs for holding prisoners at a public facility.
Wa Parents So No To Childcare Fee Hikes 1000-strong Survey
7th December 2009 -
Views: 798
In a clear message to COAG Ministers meeting in Brisbane today (Monday) to discuss the proposed reform agenda, parents, in particular those from Western Australia, warn the Governments to consider the financial and social impact on their families before implementing any reforms.
Nationally Consistent Laws For A National Workforce
23rd September 2009 -
Views: 840
The Treasurer’s refusal to join Safe Work Australia will leave Western Australia out of the national health and safety negotiation process.